This is my code used to upload my file to a Google Drive folder following this and this documentation:
url = ''
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
file.parents = ['0Byw-VOFo8yZ0a3NmSGpTajJmc0E'] # ID of the folder
xhr.file = file 'post', url, true
xhr.setRequestHeader 'Authorization', "Bearer #{ token }"
xhr.onreadystatechange = (event) ->
if @readyState is 4 and @status is 200
console.log @responseText
callback null, event
xhr.send file
Unfortunately, the file is always uploaded to the root folder. I've also tried this: file.parents = [{ id: '0Byw-VOFo8yZ0a3NmSGpTajJmc0E' }]
. But it still doesn't work.
Am I missing anything?
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