mardi 4 août 2015

Whats a better way to add conditional input to views in rails?

I have a preview view of a page that I'm building up with a step by step form. Currently the preview view doesn't work, all it has is a default page with default text and styling. My task is to get the preview to display as a user submits the elements of the page through the form. This is what the default view would look like:

  Worlds coolest Product

Buy me and make your life 10x more worthwhile! :)

and this default text is rendered out by a partial that looks like this:

<%= render 'manage/deal_steps/deal/main_header' %>


My problem is that I need to replace the default text with the user submitted text if there is any but I also need to keep the default text just in case the user doesn't submit any thing. This way I will not get any errors if there is no input. Keeping it simple, Is there any way to achieve this effect without littering the view with conditional logic like this:

  <%if retrieve_content('header')!= nil %>
  <%= retrieve_content('header')%>
  Worlds coolest Product
  <% end%>

<%if retrieve_content('header_two')!= nil %>
  <%= retrieve_content('header_two')%>
Buy me and make your life 10x more worthwhile! :)

via Chebli Mohamed

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